Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Labour/Work/Effort (Unfinished Brainstorming)

"The ideal situation is one where everyone does an equal amount of work in terms of the amount of energy used over the course of their lifetime."
- This would mean that it is not okay that people can inherit or relatively easily acquire assets and then profit off those assets in a way that means they do not have to do as much work.

"The ideal situation is one where everyone does an equal amount of work in terms of the amount of energy used per year/month/other."
- This would mean that it is not okay that people can inherit or relatively easily acquire assets and then profit off those assets in a way that means they do not have to do as much work.

"The ideal situation is one where everyone does an equal amount of work in terms of the length of time spent working over the course of their lifetime."
- This would mean that the importance/impact of a person's work was irrelevant.

"The ideal situation is one where everyone does an equal amount of work in terms of the length of time spent working per year/month/other."

"The ideal situation is one where the work is split in a way that is proportionate to the amount of work that each person is capable of doing - everyone ends up making the same amount of effort."

"The ideal situation is one where everyone does the amount of work that makes them happy."

"The ideal situation is one where everyone does the amount of work that leads to a feeling of fulfilment."

"The ideal situation is one where the total amount of work carried out is the smallest amount possible."

"The ideal situation is one where efficiency is valued, but people are willing to do more work if it leads to increased quality of life."

"The ideal situation is one where everyone does the most work possible."

"The ideal situation is one where the work a person does benefits only themselves and those they intend to help (i.e. no one ends up doing any work that benefits those they would not choose to help)."
- This suggests that ideas such as socialised medicine are not 'fair.' Some people believe this to the point where they would be a lot less happy in a country where they were paying taxes than in a country where they felt like they only had to pay for themselves and their families - even if the total amount of tax would have added up to a lot less money.

"The ideal situation is one where people's preferences (regarding type of work) are considered relevant to what is considered 'fair' distribution of work."

"The ideal situation is one where work is assigned to each person based on aptitude/abilities rather than preference, leading to greater efficiency."

"The ideal situation is one where each person does their share of every type of work."