1. My five year old could do that.
2. Ugh, it was all film.
3. OH MY GOD YOU GUYS, why are all these comments knocking time-based media when it's a perfectly valid art form?!?! Film is my liiiiiiife. :'(
I guess what I can take away from this is the idea that I really haven't looked into why people use film: what's it supposed to do? IS it supposed to do anything? Then again, I'm really valuing this newfound EFFICIENCY; I've stopped forcing myself to observe and analyse everything until it's torture.
I then visited the Late Turner exhibition which was pretty packed, presumably with all the people who left the (almost empty) Turner Prize saying, 'What rubbish - they shouldn't call it the "TURNER Prize..."' I made another observation regarding efficiency. It's more an opinion than an observation.
Whalers at Sea at Sunset
Paying attention to colour and composition is a whole lot more important than sinking hours and hours into a piece of work. EFFICIENCY.
(The work I'm making now is about pouring time into something to illustrate inefficiency.)