In my last tutorial, I was asked why I would bother considering aesthetics (e.g. cutting and rearranging the fabric so that the title was the right way up) if the piece were supposed to be purely about filling time. I have decided that I'm still going to rearrange the piece when it's done and make it look "finished." This is because I'm not trying to communicate the idea that futility justifies apathy;* the idea is more that the inconsequential nature of human lives makes it equally valid to consider any activity to be a "good" use of time,** and this can be reflected in the way it's displayed - neatly and on a wall, as if it's an achievement.
*I would probably have chosen a different medium (crayon?) if this had been the case.
**This is not exactly what I mean to say. I think I might be repeatedly flip-flopping between "everything is useless" and "no of course that can't have been what I meant."
EDIT: What I meant to say is that I'm not trying to communicate futility; I'm trying to communicate the illusion of utility. This makes it more appropriate to properly "finish" the work.