Thursday, 13 March 2014

RIP, Volume I

An art exhibition featuring collaborations between Chelsea BA Fine Art students

Yejin Eom
María Luisa Sanín Peña
Colette Shaw
Bruna Pereira De Souza
Zhiruo Gao

Private view with free drinks: Saturday March 15th, 5 - 9 pm
Exhibition open Friday 14th - Sunday 16th, 10 am - 6 pm

The artists involved will respond to an open narrative on the murder of a fictional character. The vagueness of the event seeks to inspire loose threads, which the artists may then interpret and shape to their will.

The pieces, some made individually and some collaboratively, will span across a range of media including performance, installation, and sculpture. The focus will be varied; some may look at motive, others at narrative. The construction of the character may take ambiguous, and even contradictory turns as the artists struggle to negotiate the identity of this person, and the speculative nature of their story.

Gallery website with directions:


Guests will arrive and find themselves in the middle of a funeral service and they won't necessarily be sure why. We (the "artists") are not necessarily sure why. Often the interpretation of the viewer is so integral to the success of the art work that one could question whether the artist themselves even needs to have their own intentions.