Saturday, 9 May 2015
I ran out of the turquoise thread I was using for a piece, and was initially thinking that I had to get more to continue. Now I'm thinking that I maybe have to question why I feel that's necessary. It felt like something that I "should" do, but actually I can't come up with a reason why I have to. So I think I won't, and I'll just continue with whatever thread is available.
I think that a reason to get more thread of the same colour would be that if I continued in a different colour, I'd have to justify "changing colour." But this doesn't make sense since going out and getting more thread of the same colour would be the action that requires the most effort. I'd be making a conscious decision to use the same colour throughout the piece. I can't justify that.
So the choices are:
- Continue with whatever thread is available, and have to justify (to other people) why I "changed colour," when actually it was the action that required less effort, and for that reason, the default action.
- Acquire matching thread. This would be making a special effort and a conscious decision that I can't justify to myself, but would not have to justify to anyone else, purely because they would not ask.
Essentially it looks like since the second option is NOT the default option, I'd only be taking it because it would look like I should.