Then again, sometimes I think I read too much into it, and it's all just a unique way of showcasing technical skill (which they definitely seem to have). I could also not be reading far enough into it. There could be some sort of subtle, intriguing idea behind each of their works that they just aren't explaining.
This is where I must abruptly start thinking in bullet points.
A thing I like:
'Hold My Hand' by Kimya Dawson
"it sucks when for a little kid living means lying
and the only place you feel safe is pretending you're flyingand you'd rather be caught dead than be caught crying
will you hold my hand?
abuse and neglect are highly contagious so
i called that social worker up and i said "hey lady you're outrageous"
she said "smarty-pants, you want a gold star?" i said
"no i wanna bash your head in with a crowbar, but
the cycle of violence has to end somewhere"
come and take a swim with me
we'll wait underwater patiently
for the output of endorphins as we're swallowed by the sea
will you hold my hand?
will you hold my hand?
will you hold my hand?"
- This song brings childlike innocence and harsh realities together.
- I find it interesting how it sounds naive, but in a way is the opposite of that; if you deal with awful, damaging things and come out of it still childlike and innocent, you have to have been tough in some way.