Jake and Dinos Chapman's "Little Death Machine (Castrated)" (1993) - This month, I saw this in person for the first time.
As I've stated before, there's a lot I don't like about the Chapman brothers. However, there are some things I like a lot. I like the idea of using skill and intelligence for something "immature" or "crude" or just fun. We have that choice. Immaturity and crudeness is fun, and I don't like the assumption that it always comes with simply not knowing any better. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with crude humour, and I like the idea that we can use our intellect to create something that is not intellectual. This machine is an example of technical skill used to create something violent and obscene, and I think it makes a good point: if the creation of objects like that is a waste of intellect, WHY? Is there a J. S. Mill-type snob in the sky judging us on how we use our minds and time, and what we get amusement from? Personally I do not think so.
Coming off the topic of crudeness, here is another example of intelligence being meshed with silliness. - http://xkcd.com/441/ (shown below)
(from the webcomic "xkcd" - www.xkcd.com)